Albert Einstein


Research the lives of important historical and contemporary figures who have impacted the world.

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Graphic of apple and heart with a stethoscope


Investigate concepts related to physical and mental health, safety, and social-emotional skills.

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Heebe-tee-tse, Shoshone Indian

Indigenous Peoples’ History

Dive into historical and contemporary cultural practices, worldviews, and governments of tribal nations through texts written by Indigenous experts.

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Image of DNA strand


Discover physical, life, earth, and space sciences, along with engineering, technology, and their applications.

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Image of global network

Social Studies

Learn about the world around you with a diverse array of topics, including world history, geography, cultures, and digital citizenship.

English Article List
Highway through Arizona


Travel through all U.S. states and territories to explore their geography, history, government, landmarks, and symbols.

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